If people tell you their shoes are 1:1 shoes then maybe they aren't real 1:1 sneakers, many people don't know what does 1:1 sneakers mean and how 1:1 replica sneakers quality is. Here i will introduce some knowledge about 1:1 sneakers:
1:1 sneakers means that the production of shoes is not the original manufacturer, they are produced by other manufacturers that are based on the original manufacturer's tech, including the designed styles, colors, and materials plus shoe accessories. After they researched, then produce the 1:1 sneakers by themselves, this will be ensure the shoes quality. At the same time, the style, color and material must be same as the genuine shoes.
This kind of shoes maybe not produced by the original manufacturer, and there is no official authorization, but there is not much difference in quality and feel of the shoes, especially the shoes price is not particularly expensive. We can not recognite if use eyes to check and see, we have to require the help of a certain machine to be able to distinguish the difference. This is why repsneakers have been so popular with customers in recent years. The most important thing is that there is not any difference between them,and there is price advantage, so that is why so many people are more willing to choose repsneakers, especially air jordans and yeezys.