The ONEBYONE website is committed to providing 1:1 repsneakers to all friends who love the trendy shoe culture and the shoes themselves. In recent years, our dunk series has been well received. Replica dunks, replica dunk have become the front-end search terms of the website. , The sales champion is also produced in this category. A good replica not only allows you to spend less money to wear it, but also allows more and more people to understand him and fall in love with the replica industry.
Today I introduce an upgrade from Nike to the PANDA style: “Pull Tab”
Dubbed the Nike Dunk Low “Pull Tab,” this upcoming offering sports a very familiar black and white panada colorway, albeit with added embellishments that slightly stray away from the monochromatic theme such as the alternating “Metallic Silver” and “Metallic Gold” Swoosh insignias on the lateral and medial profiles, along with two pull-tabs on the heel. Additional details include the cursive-style Nike branding with a star dotted “i” embellishing the heel, tongue, and insole.