The ONEBYONE website is committed to providing 1:1 repsneakers to all friends who love the trendy shoe culture and the shoes themselves. In recent years, our dunk series has been well received. Replica dunks, replica dunk have become the front-end search terms of the website.
2021 is looking to be the year of the Nike Dunk Low. Set to join the year’s lineup is this Nike Dunk Low “Rooted in Peace” that pays homage to the art of Japanese gardening.
Know to bring serenity and inner peace Nike uses soft tones of “Pale Vanilla,” “Sail,” “Silver Pine” and touches of “Black” to represent the gardening art form. In terms of construction, the sneaker boasts a black denim base, which is accented with white Sashiko-like stitching on the sides and heels along with beige suede overlays. Elsewhere, white leather Swoosh insignias are spotlighted on the medial and lateral walls, while “Pine Green” hits are found on the tongue tags, heels, and insoles. Final details include the peace symbol with roots stamped into the lateral heel.
This special Nike Dunk Low “Rooted in Peace” additionally comes with a set of pins, a matching bandana embellished with gardening-themed motifs, and a special box.